Downloading in Delhi – the app of the season!!!

On the same Sunday two weeks ago, Indians in general and Dilliwallahs in particular were waiting in bated breath as the counting for the state elections was in progress to know who will be the next Chief Minister(CM).  2 weeks hence one is still waiting to know who will be Delhi’s next CM as another counting is underway and announcement of result is awaited tomorrow.  Few years back (2008 I think), IDEA cellular ran a TVC for their mobile service in which politicians were seeking opinion from people on an issue related to governance thro SMS polls. That time the idea of seeking referendum using technology streams like mobile/internet seemed like an extreme fantasy of a creative brain.   However the Aam Admi Party (AAP) the new kid on the block in India’s politics has been in the forefront of re-writing the rules of the game and what seemed like fictional has indeed become a reality. As I type these words, in a reality show type SMS poll, AAP is conducting a referendum exercise in Delhi on whether to form the Government or not.

Everyone is in unison when they say that this Delhi Election has seen a new coming of age of Indian democracy. And this has been mainly engineered by the presence of AAP in the election ring. Can you imagine of a situation few years ago where the single largest party with few seats short of majority soberly declaring that they will sit in the opposition and serve the people without making an attempt to form the Government??  To borrow from Vinod Mehta’s piece one feels that suddenly India these days has become “the Republic of Utopia – St. Thomas More’s imaginary state in which laws, government and social conditions are perfect”!!! From the days of “Aaya ram, Gaya ram” to “Hamare pass numbers hai” and the usual scenes of MLAs being holed up in some remote resort to prevent horse trading to today’s “Pehle aap, Pehle aap”, I think this is a fantastic and refreshing change.  In that sense, AAP has already won the battle if not the war.

Once the single largest party-the BJP showed no inclination to form the Government, there has been a huge clamour on AAP to stake claim for forming the Government with support from the Congress or BJP.  The conundrum which ensued on AAP was understandable. “How can we take support even if  its outside from any of the 2 parties whom we opposed tooth and nail during the campaign???” “How can we form the Government somehow by striking a deal with the Congress or BJP when we were exactly against their wheeling dealing type of politics???” So when this conflict played out, the AAP leadership took the stance of not staking claim and as per me rightly so. But they were reviled by the opposition first and then the press.

 “AAP is shirking its responsibility by not forming the Government” was one refrain. How can they, when they didn’t have the numbers or the mandate to govern on their own terms?

Politics is the art of the possible. So AAP should take the support from Congress and form the Government with a Common Minimum programme (CMP)“ was another theory. As per me this whole Common Minimum Programme is nothing but a recipe for “Common Minimum Governance”!!! We saw this during the UPA-1 regime when Congress formed the Government with “Outside” support from the Left under the premise of a CMP. What followed was nothing but a Left rule by proxy. While the CMP ensured that the agenda of the Left was followed, the growth agenda of the country got left behind 🙁 🙁

“How will the people know what AAP is capable of if you don’t govern? Since Congress is providing “unconditional” support, AAP should stop posturing and take their support and change Delhi as you promised” – this is another missive.  India’s political history shows “Unconditional support” means “And Conditions apply for support”!  So I’m not sure if Congress will play ball on all initiatives and changes AAP wishes to usher in Delhi. Maybe they will. May be times are changing.

So all this egging of AAP to somehow form the Government is as per me a well thought of strategy by the parties to make AAP govern and then flounder. After all how has AAP managed to capture the imagination of people in a short time? Not just by promising to root out corruption but also to govern with Aam Admi’s interest in mind on every issue. If AAP comes to power and makes mistakes, it will be good news for BJP and also Congress when they face the same public in 2014 for the Lok Sabha polls. But if AAP does really govern well, still 6 months is a short period to make any impact which will affect 2014 elections.  So the National parties with their sights firmly on 2014 Lok Sabha polls want AAP to rule and probably fail.

On the other hand, if AAP had stuck to the original stand of not forming the Government under any circumstances, may be Delhi would be subjected to President’s rule and re-poll held along with Lok Sabha polls.  That would have been a win-win situation for AAP.

  • If they win with a majority then, they get full undisputed mandate of Delhi and they can rule without anybody looking over their shoulders and give the Governance they promised.
  • If they lose and BJP gets a majority, they can sit in opposition. It allows for some time for the young first time legislators to learn and prepare for the long haul in the future. At the same time they can continue to put pressure on the Government like they are doing today and bring in paradigm changes. Somehow my take is AAP is best suited to be in opposition and bring in changes rather than govern. While everything else of AAP is inspiring hope, somehow their economic agenda is not. It smacks of more socialism, Anti-business and hence worrisome.  Hopefully they will change their thinking when they understand what matters most to Aam Admi.  It is not doles but jobs and hence empowerment.
  • The only issue is what will happen if it’s a hung assembly again with no clear majority. I feel that there is lesser chance for the same as constituencies where either AAP or BJP won with smaller margins will vote more decisively the next time over.

Somehow in the last few days, coming under pressure from media and commentators, AAP leaders decided to dilute their stand from “Not forming the Government” to “Will form if people say so”. Hence that “What an idea, Sirji” was put to use.

As I come to the close of this piece it is clear that AAP has been the “app of the season” in India. It looks very possible that this is App is “downloading” itself in Delhi and we may have Arvind Kejriwal as the new Chief Santa this X-mas and Aam Admi Party governing Delhi in the New year.  Here’s wishing AAP an error free run and more downloads in the future!!! Jingle Bells, jingle bells,…,…


0 thoughts on “Downloading in Delhi – the app of the season!!!”

  1. Arvind Kejriwal is definitely the man of the match. Lets hope that AAP can withstand the dirty politics and i am sure it will need all the support it can get. Delhites should support AAP and not have too many expectations so soon….picture abhi baaqi hai …

    Very well written…thanks

  2. Good analysis, specially 2 points, I reproduce:
    1. But if AAP does really govern well, still 6 months is a short period to make any impact which will affect 2014 elections. So National parties with their sights firmly on 2014 LS polls want AAP to rule and probably fail–I agree!
    2. somehow their economic agenda is not. It smacks of more socialism, Anti-business and hence worrisome- Talking and inspiring rag-pickers, contract labours, street hawkers, curtailing Corporates’ corruption and controlling governance through their agents is if socialism, I support AAP and not your views!
    AAP has already decided to form government and hope they will do good job, even though Congress and BJP will do their best and sabotage AAP’s efforts directly and indirectly through police and other state machinery, who had been working for them so far!

  3. Hey, well written piece.
    But here is my prediction, In the short run AAP is going to uncover plenty of scams and would enforce strict rules in curbing corruption. Probably will setup a so called corruption wing which swiftly solves a lot of problems (basically more bureaucracy, potentially a future corrupt wing of the government and something that would definitely anger the existing government institutions as they are sidelined.). They definitely would want to deliver on so called results before the national elections which is in 6 months. Anyways, this is just going to bring the current economy in Delhi to its knees.
    What AAP needs to come up with is a long term strategy of how to increase earning potential of government employees may be it is by paying them based on performance. Change systematically the incentive structure and environment for government institutions where we have lesser bureaucracy (which is partly what contributes to corruption) and lesser government interference with businesses. Anyways there are plenty of long term solutions that AAP should do I probably should write a blog about it. But my view is that the new coming of age of Indian democracy is when we have a Libertarian Party in Indian politics. AAP has not yet established their identity, but seems to have a socialist view. They won the elections on corruption, but will they be able to solve the real issue which causes corruption, I highly doubt it. They will definitely create more government bodies which would manage existing corruption. But nonetheless a welcome change in Indian politics.

  4. Lol .. is the only thing I can write. Politics is bigger than what an aam aadmi can think of. Second has proved it .. he is just a puppet of Sonia gandhi. Only a team b of congress to cut urban midi votes.
    Read more on their memebers of national executive team.
    1. Yogender yadav till lol sabha election of 2009 was an adviser to Rahul Gandhi. He was part of the congress backed nac team.
    2. Shazia elmi has INC blood in her veins. Her maternal uncles have been contesting elections on congress ticket from Kanpur. Her brother inlaw is a former MLA from congress and presently a MLA from bsp .
    3. Prashant bhushan has got numerous favours from himachap Pradesh congress party on land deals AMD has used tea land to be converted to educatational land at forth cheap rates.
    4 Manish sisodia has been congress student union member
    5 arvind kejriwal .. though dont have any past visible connection with congress but is a puppet for sure of sonia Gandhi. His loose motions, house and cars are getting media coverage to keep him this media coverage is sponsored by Mrs Gandhi for sole reason to cut modi urban votes.

    Open ur eyes and see the unseen .. read between the lines that’s what politics is all about. Don’t be fooled

  5. Pingback: The loud Wake “AAP” Call!!! | anandkumarrs

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