Lest We Forget!!!
In his seminal work of 2005 – “The Argumentative Indian” Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, “argued” that the understanding and use […]
In his seminal work of 2005 – “The Argumentative Indian” Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, “argued” that the understanding and use […]
“Had gone for the Kedarnath yatra, returned home safely today” texted a cousin of mine few days back as the Uttarakhand
“Rain and High tide pour misery on Mumbaikars” – screams today’s Mumbai edition of Times of India. I find this
One latent benefit of the IPL is the opportunity one gets to see a good repertoire of TV commercials as marketers “bet”
In this election season, you cannot be blamed for mistaking the title of this post for a war cry of
The usually nondescript commercial complex in my neighbourhood in Mumbai is buzzing with activity this morning. As I get closer to
“Nayee Dilli – Mar 22nd,2033 In what was the “Rape Capital” of India – Nayee Dilli (once called New Delhi) feverish activity
For this time of the year, the temperature in the last few days in Mumbai has been few degrees higher
Bomb blast in Hyderabad Twin blasts in Hyderabad Breaking News in TV Breaking tweets on Twitter Chaos at Blast site
Years ago, I was attending a business conference at a resort type place few miles off Mumbai. While our meeting